Founder & Owner
As the captain, Kirk is responsible for making key decisions and ensuring the well-being of his crew, the K-T-W team, as well as the satisfaction of all passengers, our valued customers.
Career history:
Robert Mondavi – Sales office EuropeMeininger Verlag – Editor Weinwirtschaft // Mundus vini tasting management
Niederberger Group
Rieger Container Construction
Member of the Bund Deutscher Oenologen (BDO)Member of the Board MUNDUS vini - The Grand International Wine Award
Member of the expert jury at recognised international wine competitions
Mail: kirk.bauer@k-t-w.com
Tel: +49 (0) 6326 96 75 40

General Manager
Dipl. Oenologist
Graduated from Instituto Agrario di San Michele all'Adige and University of Udine
In his role as a leader and member of the management team, he brings extensive expertise and experience to portfolio development, international sales, and customer support. With multilingual abilities, the native South Tyrolean, residing in the Palatinate since 2010, oversees the markets in Italy, Austria, and Switzerland.
Career history:
Weingut Unterortl, Südtirol: OenologistWeingut Von Winning, Deidesheim: Deputy Cellar Master
Weingut Adriane Moll, St. Martin: Operations Manager
KIRKs Total Wine, Deidesheim: Consulting & Sales
Weingut Reichsrat von Buhl, Deidesheim: Oenological Director - Technical Managing Director
Weingut Weegmüller, Neustadt-Haardt: Technical Managing Director
Mail: gregor.hofer@k-t-w.com
Tel: +49 (0) 6326 96 75 40
Mobile: +49 (0) 174 94 56 898

Office Manager
Kerstin, as Office Manager, acts as the liaison between all offices, overseeing processes and ensuring seamless operations across logistics and personalized customer care. Working closely with the entire team and our suppliers, she is also in charge of organizing trade shows and events.
Mail: kerstin.bauer@k-t-w.com
Tel: +49 (0) 6326 96 75 40

Agent Western Australia
Mail: margaretrivercooperage@gmail.com
Tel: +61 (0) 407 573 441

Agent Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania, South Australia
Lilydale, VICTORIA 3140
Mail: info@barrelbrokers.com.au
Tel: +61 (0) 431 777 504

Consulting & Sales
Born in Japan and raised in the Palatinate, he is a graduate chemist with extensive knowledge and experience in analytics, particularly in wine and spirits, having long served as the head of a renowned wine laboratory. A father of two and amateur musician, he contributes his expertise in wine chemistry and consulting on oenological products and biotechnology to the KTW team.
Mail: stefan.born@k-t-w.com
Tel: +49 (0) 6326 96 75 40
Mobile: +49 (0) 151 25 55 2519

Certified TCA Detection Dog
Laetitia von Ruppertsberg from the House of Menger-Krug (LEA)
Originally intended for mail and package reception duties, Lea has undergone successful training and certification and is now employed as a certified TCA detection dog for KIRK’s Total Wine. Lea is happy to inspect your cellars and storage rooms, reliably detecting TCA-contaminated materials, equipment, and objects.Mail: lea.bauer@k-t-w.com
Tel:+49 (0) 6326 96 75 40